Zakłady Podzespołów Radiowych MIFLEX SA under restructuring

Zakłady Podzespołów Radiowych MIFLEX SA under restructuring

Our company's priority and mission is to provide customers with products that meet their expectations and are based on high quality

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We are already 66 years old ...

Zakłady Podzespołów Radiowych MIFLEX SA in Kutno was established in 1957, beginning its manufacturing activity with simple radio capacitors. At present, the factory is the biggest manufacturer of a wide range of passive electronic components in Poland. The applications include home appliances, lighting, audio equipment, power electronics, electrical equipment and machinery (pumps, electrical tools, air conditioning), single-phase motors, compressors, and other uses.


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Zakłady Podzespołów Radiowych MIFLEX SA

ul. Grunwaldzka 3,

99-300 Kutno, Polska

+48 24 355 11 00


NIP: 775-00-00-870

KRS: 0000183753

Fax: (+48) 24 355 11 88